Have you ever heard someone say, “but, eating healthy foods is expensive”! We’ve heard it a thousand times and we’re here to tell you, “that’s simply an excuse and it’s not true”.
Did you know that 1 family size bag of chips costs between $3.98 and $5.98 per bag? You could purchase 3 pounds of red seedless grapes or 1 bundle of asparagus for that price. An important question to ask yourself is, “could I replace 1-2 bags of chips this week in order to purchase fresh fruits or veggies”?
Did you know that one 12 pack of soda costs around $5.50? You could purchase 5 pounds of apples for that price or 3 pounds of fresh carrots AND 2 pounds of fresh broccoli. Could you replace one 12 pack of soda for fresh fruits or veggies?
Did you know that a package of cookies costs around $3.50? You could purchase 2 pounds of brown rice or a 32 oz. tub of Greek yogurt for that same price.
Our goal for you is simple. We want to show you how easy it is, without depriving yourself of things you enjoy, to substitute foods you normally buy that lack nutritional value with others that are healthier, without spending more. (LEARN MORE).
Here’s How!
1. Scan Store Specials
All grocery stores offer weekly specials. Choose healthy foods that are on sale.
2. Prepare a Menu Plan
People shiver when they hear the word menu plan. This doesn’t have to be complicated and we promise over time it will get easier and less stressful. Menu planning takes the stress out of “what’s for dinner?”
3. Plan a Grocery List
Based on your menu plan, create a grocery list of items you need. Stick to your list no matter what!
4. Don’t Shop When You’re Hungry
Never go grocery shopping hungry. Have a healthy snack before you go. This will decrease the urge to buy on impulse.
5. Cook More, Eat out Less
Did you know that the average American eats out 5.9 times per week? Did you know that it costs on average between $30.00 and $100.00 for family of 4 to eat at a sit-down restaurant? Talk about costly. Cooking at home is less expensive and much healthier than eating out. With some simple healthy recipes, you can make meals quickly and healthy at home.